Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Scrapple on a woodstove

It's been pretty chilly here since Labor Day when it went down to 40 degrees. The middle of the day hasn't been too bad but the last two days have been rainy and chilly again. I stoked up a fire in the woodstove and the house is cozy and warm again. I love that wood stove.

I've been working on making scrapple. It's an Amish dish that uses the pieces of pork and organs that aren't used by the butcher. Well, mine is a shortcut. I used liver sausage and country style ribs as the meat. It's a kind of mush (with cornmeal) that has taken part of three days to make. It's pretty time consuming for one person but if you were making it for a big group of people, it wouldn't be so bad. You fry it up and serve it with other breakfast foods. I made hash browns and scrambled eggs. I cooked the eggs and hashbrowns on the wood stove and started the scrapple on the wood stove but I just couldn't get the top hot enough to fry it up so I had to move to the electric stove and finish it up there. It didn't take too long after that. After tasting the liver sausage, I wasn't sure I'd like it all. I like liver but the flavor of the sausage was way off and had an awful after taste. But the scrapple really wasn't too bad and I'd like to try it again sometime using real liver (and onions to pan fry it with).

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