And Adam fixed the vacuum too! It's bee broken since we got it. The belt flies off every minute or so. I had mostly given up vacuuming because of the hassel. It would take about an hour to vacuum my small living room, and small dining room and hall. Forget the stairs and bedroom. I had to stop, take the vacuum apart, reseat the belt and put the vacuum back together every time it fell off. As you can just wasn't worth it. I had been sweeping the carpets for some time now. But that is all voer. Adam successfully fixed it so I have clean looking carpet again. :o)
Cheese Fatayer
4 months ago
Your house is looking so good! Congrats. And your vacuum is working too. Good day! Great job, Adam (and Barry)!!!!
Looking good! nice work. I bet you will be so happy when it's all done.
Sweet! I wish that I could do stuff like that!
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