Wednesday, August 31, 2011

special pesto

I had bought some basil for something and had no use for the rest at the moment, so I cut the leaves off the stem and lacto fermented them. When I was ready to use them, I made a pesto sauce with them. Tasted like regular pesto sauce.

I served it on wheat pasta with spicy sausage. Adam ate it and had no clue that anything was different about this pesto. :o) He did, however, notice that the pasta was wheat. He doesn't like wheat pasta and I don't like white pasta...I don't like pasta in general but if I have to have pasta, I'd rather it be wheat...I just enjoy the taste/texture better. Other wise, I'd just rather not have pasta at all with a few rare exceptions. I love ravioli and stuffed manicotti and one of my favorite foods, herbed chicken linguine, is pasta heavy dish that I don't mind the pasta being in...but for the most part, I could definitely do without pasta. Adam, on the other hand, love any dish with pasta and would eat it every day if I served it. In fact, some days, he just wants some so he'll skip what I made and make ramen or spaghetti instead.

I am currently on a proccessed sugar free and severely restricted white flour diet. I will end that when I get to Utah for a visit because I must get my yearly fix of mint brownies. :o) I can't say I'm addicted to white flour but sugar...I definitely am. I am going through withdrawls and am cranky and so tired. I want cookies, cake, brownies, a spoonful of sugar...anything. But I am determined to make it until Sept 25. I can do's not even a whole month from now. I can do it...I've done it before.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! That takes alot of self-discipline. I am so weak. I know I need to do that....those are my two favorites also. Keep telling us how you are doing so I can be influenced to follow! love,andrea

Heather and Thomas Mann said...

You are very strong! You can do it... if you set your mind to it. So excited to see you! when are you coming out?

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