Sunday, July 11, 2010

my day yesterday

I had an interesting ride yesterday. I wanted to go early but I didn't wake up until after 9. I walked the dog in the coolness(?) of the morning. A lady stopped me to talk with me and I ended up being there for about 20-30 minutes. The dogs were getting pretty antsy so I finally excused myself. By the time we got home, it was already hot and I was still pretty tired. Thursday night I was up till 12 washing the dogs. Friday night I was up till 12 washing all the dog blankets and pillow and our blankets and sheets. So I told Adam I'd go later that day and we could work on stuff together first.

I cleaned up our new to us freezer while Adam tried to diagnose what is wrong with my slowly dying car. I won't go into what all is wrong with it because they are just too many things to list and frankly, I don't understand most of them but it's all computer related. And since car computers aren't like home computers, you just have to replace the whole unit which is more than my car is worth at this point. So I just have to baby it until it kicks the bucket. Hopefully I can hold that off for a while.

Then Adam wanted to replace his cabin air filter in the truck. It was quite the chore just getting to it. But then he decided that he will have to take the dash apart to actually get it changed. So we put it back together and got the freezer in the garage and plugged in to see if it truly did work. (Seems to be working.)

By the time I left on my ride is was after 6. I was hoping for a 30 mile ride but at that point in the evening, I didn't think I'd manage one that long. I was tired when I started out...especially since we had spent a few hours out in the sun. Usually though, I gain energy as I go. I should have started eating the moment I left but I didn't because I was trying to make as much progress as possible. At 7:30, I decided I'd better turn around so I wouldn't be stuck riding in the dark. At that point, I started eating grapes. Too little too late. I quickly started tiring. One hill after the other slowed me down. A woman was waiting to check her mail but I was coming up the hill and there were cars in the lane so I couldn't get over. She waited patiently and cheered me on as I passed her. I think I must have looked like death at that point. I laughed but was too tired and out of breath to respond.

When I got to a stop sign and realized there was a whole section of road I had forgotten about, I ate part of a sandwich to give me some strength, hopefully. I looked for my blinking rear light but it wasn't in my bag. My progress was getting slower and slower and I was getting more concerned about my ability to make it back home before the sun disappeared.

As I was climbing a longish hill, I got to counting the rest of the hills I would have to climb before getting home. I had 3 minor climbs and 2 major climbs (though not nearly as major as the climbs in southern UT...just major for my ability that day). I was really, really exhausted so I stopped and laid in the grass and it felt so good to lay there and close my eyes that I couldn't get up. I don't know that I was actually asleep, I really don't think I ever drifted off but it was so nice. I would have gladly slept all night there at that point. But I heard a car coming very close to me so I opened my eyes to see a cop car in front of me. I got up and told him I was ok that I was just trying to get the energy for the rest of my ride. He told me that he was checking because someone had called in someone laying on the side of the road. I had to laugh at that. At least they called it in, even if they weren't willing to pop their head out of the car to ask if I was alright. I don't feel people owe me the courtesy of checking on me at all but if someone was concerned about me....wouldn't it be easier to ask me? Maybe they thought I was faking it to rob them or something? Or maybe they thought I was homeless and would be camping right there on the side of the road...I don't know.

I figured since I was up I should go ahead and get on my way so I did. But I quickly called Adam to see if he could come get me. He said he was cooking dinner but that he would come get me. I told him to continue cooking because I needed food anyway. So I pedaled on home and once I got past that last major climb I knew I could make it home.

I got home and was exhausted. I fed the dogs while he was finishing up then he fed me. I played a couple games with him on the Wii then my brain and eyes were so fried, I went to bed. I was so tired I didn't even shower. And today, I am still feeling it.

Tomorrow I am having dinner with a friend from the ward. She and I are planning a weekend backpacking trip and a day bike ride. At first I was going to do a 5K with her and she was going to go on a weekend bike trip with me (or possibly a weekend backpacing trip). But seeing as I am not a runner and she is not a biker we have changed the plans. She's got somewhere specific she wants to go backpacking. I've never done it before but I'm wiling to give it a shot since I have all the equipment I need from my bike touring stuff. Well...except for the backpack which she has extras of. And I guess I'll have to give her suggestions of 20-30 mile bike rides to choose from.

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