No exciting adventures with the dogs lately. Life is routine these days which is ok but doesn't make for any fun photo ops. Over the winter, Jasmine's leg has improved immensely. She rarely limps anymore. Jack, on the other hand, seems to be getting more stiff and usually ends up limping after we've gone for a walk. He's getting a bunch of white furs popping up these days. Even Jasmine is getting a slight white mustache now. Bear doesn't want to spend the days outside anymore so when I'm getting ready to leave for the day, he runs upstairs and hides so I can't drag him out. So it's true, the dogs are getting older. :o( I think this year, they will all 3 be considered senior dogs. Tucker is maturing a bit and can be trusted more. He doesn't chew on EVERYTHING these days...and he might go a few days without touching the cardboard boxes we leave out for him. He's still an energetic dog who always wants to be on the go. Bear is tolerating him more these days. Mainly because Tucker is sick of being bullied and is now standing up for himself from time to time. I came out of the bathroom one evening to find Bear and Tucker holding cute!

The only reason they were laying that close together was because there wasn't room to spread out!

And here's a few shots I got of the dogs recently that I liked. Well, I don't really like the one of Jack (he looks so sad) but he needed to be included too.

Their life isn't exciting but they get everything they need...and I think they're pretty happy (usually).
They seem pretty happy. :) The picture is really cute. I guess you guys are going to have to open a doggie retirement home soon, complete with white mustache trimming.
That is really cute how they were holding tails! I think they are very lucky dogs to have you as their mom. you dote on them! great pics of your cute kids!
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