Again, I got this from the book "Nourishing Traditions" that I got for Christmas. This recipe makes "cream cheese" and whey. The cream cheese can be used like you would use cream cheese except that it is kind of gritty when cooked in a dish. Maybe if I used whole fat yogurt that wouldn't be the case but I have no experience so can't say for sure. It's healthier though because it's full of probiotics unlike real cream cheese. The whey is what I use to lacto-ferment things like sauerkraut and the carrots that I really like. Also, you can put some in the soaking water for beans and it helps to lessen the things in beans that give you gas.
It's super simple to make. You take a muslin cloth, or a few layers of cheese cloth, draped over a bowl. Dump the yogurt into the cloth.
Tie up the ends and hang it above the bowl.
This is what's left over. The cream cheese lasts a few weeks and the whey lasts a few months.
Cheese Fatayer
2 months ago
That looks really easy and less expensive than store cream cheese! You are really good to do things you should be doing! I need to be more like you, although I doubt I would even approach your healthy habits!
I didn't have any idea how whey is made. You are developing a lot of useful skills. :)
lol...Mom, I didn't realize people are supposed to be hanging yogurt for cheese and whey. You made me laugh. I can't see you enjoying doing my odd experiments. It's more out of a desire to do things on my own than to be doing something I should be...I don't know which part of that is something people should be doing though, I have to admit.
Thanks for the compliments both of you
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